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Celiac Disease: 10 Things Every Gastro Should Know


Celiac Disease: Ten Things That Every Gastroenterologist Should Know

An excellent article published in August 2015 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology by Amy S. Oxentenko and Joseph A. Murray

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Text Article:

Article Outline

  • 1. How to Use Serology to Diagnose Celiac Disease Practical Suggestion
  • 2. Can Celiac Disease Be Recognized Endoscopically?
  • 3. What Biopsies Should Be Taken to Evaluate for Celiac Disease?
  • 4. Which At-Risk Patients Should Be Tested for Celiac Disease?
  • 5. How Does One Evaluate for Celiac Disease in a Patient on a Gluten-Free Diet?
  • 6. How Is Celiac Disease Managed?
  • 7. What Should Be Assessed in the Patient With Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease?
  • 8. How Are Adherence and Response to a Gluten-Free Diet Measured?
  • 9. What Is the Approach to the Nonresponsive Celiac Patient?
  • 10. What Do We Do With Refractory Celiac Disease?

"Celiac disease (CD) is increasingly common and topical for both the general and medical communities; therefore, gastroenterologists will be called on for expertise in this area. How CD is diagnosed has changed over time, and confusion abounds regarding the use and interpretation of diagnostic tests, which are often confounded by adoption of the gluten-free diet (GFD). Herein, we address 10 important things that gastroenterologists need to know about CD, which are based on current evidence and our experience in Mayo Clinic’s Celiac Disease Clinic."

"There are 10 things that all gastroenterologists should know about celiac disease (CD).

  • 1 - The immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase is the single best serologic test to use for the detection of CD.

  • 2 - CD can be recognized endoscopically, and water immersion enhances villi detection, although a normal endoscopic appearance does not preclude the diagnosis.

  • 3 - It is recommended that 4 biopsies be taken from the second part of the duodenum and 2 bulb biopsies be taken at the 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock positions to maximize the sensitivity for histologic confirmation of CD.

  • 4 - Consider serologic testing of first-degree relatives, patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Down’s, Turner’s, and Williams’ syndromes, as well as those with premature osteoporosis, iron deficiency, abnormal liver biochemistries, and other manifestations of CD.

  • 5 - Patients already on a prolonged gluten-free diet (GFD) should be tested for the presence of HLA DQ2 or DQ8, thereby avoiding the need for further evaluation of CD in non-allelic carriers.

  • 6 - The basic treatment of CD is a strict, lifelong GFD, enabled by an expert dietitian.

  • 7 - Newly diagnosed adults with CD should be assessed for micronutrient deficiencies (iron, B12, folate, zinc, copper), fat soluble vitamin deficiencies (vitamin D), and bone densitometry.

  • 8 - All patients diagnosed with CD should have clinical follow-up to ensure response and adherence to a GFD.

  • 9 - In those with persistent or relapsing symptoms, the robustness of the original diagnosis should be reviewed, gluten exposure sought, and a systematic evaluation for alternative and associated diseases performed.

  • 10 - Evaluate those with refractory disease for malignant transformation."